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Friday, April 01, 2011

The Missing Side of Elegance

In the physical world, elegant furniture or attire is that which is beautiful, yet has no excess. It is elegant not just because of the beauty of what it includes, but also the beauty of what it excludes.

Similarly, elegant leadership is knowing what to do and what to stop doing.  Elegant knowledge is knowing what something is and what it is not. An elegant doctor is one who knows when to intervene and when not to.

You get the idea...

The moon has two sides; the bright side and the dark. The reason that true elegance is hard to come by is the fact that its dark side is so hard to see by most. Only few prominent practitioners of a given field can have enough encompassing knowledge to say what something is not.

Elegant practitioners act seemingly effortlessly where in reality it's because they know what matters and what doesn't.

Executing only on the things that matter is at the heart of effectiveness.
5 Khalid's Blog: The Missing Side of Elegance In the physical world, elegant furniture or attire is that which is beautiful, yet has  no excess . It is elegant not just because of the...

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