Haven't you noticed how everybody is nice to strangers more so than to people we actually know? With strangers, for some reason, we assume the best intentions. But, because we think we know better, for our near and dear, we second guess their motives and intentions.
Maybe this sheds light to why the prophet (sala Allahu Alaihi Wa Salam) has told us to always assume the best in people. We are the first to benefit from the this action as we will act more civilly and kindly with the ones we care about the most. I've even read a hadeath where it says that if you are in doubt, don't check and investigate, just assume the best about the person.
Really, life is just too short to waste it on these petty things.
being who i am (i.e batman), i think different.
i have to think different, otherwise i wouldn't be batman.
you see my point!
so your wrong.i'm right.case closed.
p.s, its because i'm his brother i can say this. so don't take me as an excuse.
that's really painful
we just have such a short time, and it's a shame to act that way
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