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Monday, December 06, 2004

Be Open to Others

I just came back from delivering my vehicle to the service center. On the way back, I was speaking with the Bengali taxi driver. I noticed that he was an intelligent individual. I've started noticing this for sometime, but you never really realize it until you start talking with these people.

I learned something about their culture that I found interesting. He says he never thought a woman would travel half way around the world to work as a maid in another country, all alone; it seems they find this unacceptable.

I've also spoken to other Bengalis. I've learned that they revere their parents. They are very social. They are generous. And they support and care for each other.

After learning these things about them, I started to relate to them. In fact, I've started learning their language. So far, I can say, "How are you my friend?" in two different ways, " Give me a cup of coffee/ milk", "How much is this?", and "That's too much!".

When I reflect on this, I come to realize that if I hadn't been open to them, I wouldn't have learned this about them. This is not to say that I'm humble. On the contrary, I know that there is something in me that tells me I'm better than them. But I'm not.

How much about people do we not know because we are just too haughty to talk and be open to them?

Being proud is not the only factor that can constitute a barrier. I noticed that being too busy, or stressed out can also be a barrier between a person and other people, especially his loved ones.
Loving dialogue will lead to sympathy and love.

It's unbelievable how much depth and complexity you realize a person has when you start to speak with him.

It's a paradox; you realize how similar you are, and, at the same time, how different you are.

This can have an enrmous possitve effect on your relationships. You realize why each of you sees things differently. As a result, you pardon each other and become more tolerant of each others contradicting feelings and thoughts about a certain issue. At the same time, realizing how similar you are makes you relate to each other. Only good can come out if it; but only if it is a caring dialogue with the intent to really understand the other person.

In my opinion, it is paramount for people who care for each other to talk with and listen to each other with the sincere intent of understanding.

Loving dialogue will lead to sympathy and love.
5 Khalid's Blog: Be Open to Others I just came back from delivering my vehicle to the service center. On the way back, I was speaking with the Bengali taxi driver. I noticed t...

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