I wrote a blog lately about the jungle and the flower and how everything, regarding the trial of one’s faith, is in equilibrium and only his independent choice will move him in either direction.
I’ve noticed whatever path you choose, you will experience both pain and pleasure to varying degrees. The pain diminishes over time as the person morphs on his path to goodness or evil. In other words, on the one hand, with time the person changes from the inside and ceases to feel remorse for his sins if he is evil. On the other hand, he ceases to feel temptation to material trials if he is pure and righteous. This morphosis requires consistency and insistence on doing good or evil for extended periods of time.
Most of us remain in that middle state where we just don’t commit and therefore experience pain and pleasure to varying degrees. But pain is not all bad. If not for pain much positive change would not occur in our lives. It is a natural indicator that something is wrong.
A well known story tells of a lady walking in the forest and seeing a fledgling butterfly in a cocoon trying to emerge to life. It was having a difficult time getting out of the cocoon, so the lady, out of sympathy, cut open the cocoon to assist the poor butterfly. As the butterfly emerged, it fell to the ground and later died as it was unable to fly. The lady unintentionally deprived the butterfly of the chance to struggle out and pump important fluids to its wings that would enable it fly away.
1 comment:
nicely said and i liked very much. especially the part that says we have to adapt the habit to Acquire character.
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