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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Who Cares?

Yesterday, I was speaking with one of my colleagues.

In my opinion, he has always had a problem that I could just not put my finger on.

Now I think his problem, in my opinion, is that he thinks what he is saying is important. It is smart, no doubt, but not important. In other words, it means nothing to me or, I guess, the others listening.

Because he knows that he is smart and what he is saying/generating is intelligent, he continuous to speak. We try to be polite by trying to understand how what he is saying has to do with what is important. We can't sometimes, so we just smile. But, unfortunately, it shows. He gets annoyed, and figures that we are in some way impolite.

Smart yet unimportant to thoughts is what powerful yet inaccurate is to guns! It really doesn't matter to people how smart you are if you don't benefit them in a way or other; unless smart people themselves are considered a benefit to certain people. But usually, in a hectic world, where everybody is busy and trying to pull his life together, most people don't care about how smart you are; they care about what you can provide.

I mean think about it. How much smart technology do see every day; do you really care who created it, or how it was created, despite the fact that your that much genues was poored into it to make it work?
5 Khalid's Blog: Who Cares? Yesterday, I was speaking with one of my colleagues. In my opinion, he has always had a problem that I could just not put my finger on. Now ...

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