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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Multiple Intelligences

Covey advocates that there are four intelligences, emotional/ social, mental, physical, and spiritual.

I would like to suggest that it is wrong to disregard people just because they are lesser intelligent in one of these areas than you are.

For example, say I meet someone who is somewhat blunt and inconsiderate. If I decide that that emotionaly unintelligent person, in his totality, is bad, then I might be trashing a lot of mental, physical, and spiritual talent.

For some reason, he might not really get how people should be treated and why.

I suggest the better approach is to confess that maybe he is underdeveloped in that area and might need some help, but leave a margin that he might be exceptional in the three other arenas.

Don't toss the baby out with the bath water.
5 Khalid's Blog: Multiple Intelligences Covey advocates that there are four intelligences, emotional/ social, mental, physical, and spiritual. I would like to suggest that it is wr...

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