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Saturday, May 19, 2007

New Laptop

I've bought a new laptop. The experience turned out better than I thought. I guess this is because of the introduction of the new duo core processors in addition to Windows Vista, which came pre-intalled on the PC. The conversion of these new technologies has made for a much better experience.

Another thing that I didn't think I would appreciate as much as I did was mobility. It's really nice that you can work on your PC anywhere you like. I'm not just talking about moving to and from major places, but also the fact that inside your home you are not binded to a desk. For certain reasons, It's not possible for me to move inside my home easily, so it's turns out to be a much appreciated feature which I didn't realize.

Anyhow, I expect to be blogging more often since I can now start using my PC from the comfort of my bathroom!
5 Khalid's Blog: New Laptop I've bought a new laptop. The experience turned out better than I thought. I guess this is because of the introduction of the new duo co...


Manutdfanatic said...

"Anyhow, I expect to be blogging more often since I can now start using my PC from the comfort of my bathroom!

posted by Khalid at 6:33 AM on May 19, 2007"

What happened? Weren't you supposed to be "blogging more often"? Don't get dissuaded by insignificant factors; I'm sure there are innumerable people out there who happen to read your blog AND appreciate what you write out here. Just because people don't comment doesn't mean they don't read. =)

Although I currently stumbled upon your blog purely by chance, I do find it interesting and I'm positive I'll be back to check in on you soon.

Do update.


Khalid said...

You are so kind...

Lots has generated as a result of your encouragement and kind words. No kidding.


Manutdfanatic said...

I wasn't being kind, I was being honest.

Words cannot express how it feels to know that I was able to make a difference...I think I need to post about this, (without taking names of course), soon.

P.S:- Sorry for the "delay" in replying, I was a bit caught up with a few things. Life. What more can I say?

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